Here we go again. This month will look a lot like the last. It's funny that I have had quite a few new experiences since then, but ended up pretty much back in the rut I call my life. It would have been nice to have shot these photos two weeks ago. I would have been in Hawaii and the scenes would have been of colorful sunrises, sunsets, palms and pristine beaches. As it is, these are of the suburbs just west of a city I like to call Philthadelphia.
Three months into my unemployment situation and things are looking up. I came back early from my vacation for an interview which seems like it may pay off. If so, next month's 12 of 12 may be coming from New Jersey... West Jersey as they call it. Not a bad area, but I dread moving, especially to a new state. It means a lot of problems logistically speaking... new license, new pesticide certification, changing residency's all one big pain in the butt. The worse part is finding a new apartment then actually packing and moving. We'll have to see what happens next month. everything is still speculation at this point.
Well here's today's effort...

1:15 pm Springfield, PA
Here's where I'm having lunch.
1:26 pm Springfield, PA
Chili for starters. I could do without the cheese. I like cheese as much or more than most, but you shouldn't have to put cheese on something just to add more flavor. A good chili should be able to stand on it's own. ...I wonder who left their beer up there on the bar???

1:39 pm Springfield, PA
Chop pork sandwich topped with cole slaw, beans as a side. It looks like someone has been drinking that beer.

2:53 pm Aldan, PA
Always like the produce better here. An apple a day keeps the doctor away... This represents an awful lot of out of work Doctors... Yeah right...

2:54 pm Aldan, PA
This guy has been floating around for the last month. Maybe we'll see if he's still around next month, but don't count on it.

3:47 pm Upper Darby, PA
Back home... a dusting of snow on the road and pavement. No bikes out today, but they did have a couple of small ATVs out. You'll have to look close to see them.

7:24 pm Upper Darby, PA
Looking over some of the early entries and commenting on them.

7:58 PM Upper Darby, PA
Dinner is served ...romaine, bitter field greens, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, black olives, artichoke hearts, bacon bits, blue cheese, and french dressing. I like the combination of french dressing and blue cheese.

10:32 pm Upper Darby, PA
Watching Parking Wars on A&E. A new reality show that's probably not as appreciated by anyone outside Philadelphia since that's where it takes place. I find it difficult to choose to be symathetic for the bungling bureaucracy or the morons who don't understand or accept the system.

11:55 pm Upper Darby, PA
Okay, I won a few bucks, but I didn't hit the big one. I guess I'll keep looking for a job tomorrow.

One for the ladies...
I used to have a tradition where I would give all my female friends a rose on my birthday, partly because I know they would appreciate it and partly becase I know it would agitate their boyfriends just a bit... I always like to stir up a little trouble. I haven't done it for a few years, but I thought some of my cyber friends would like it. I shot the rose on the 25th of Jan while in Hawaii.

Okay, one more picture not from today. I took so many pictures while on vacation, I wanted to share at least one more that I really like. I took several shots of the 3 tigers in animal kingdom. I have one on display on my 366 , but I like this one as well. I hope you do too.
Three months into my unemployment situation and things are looking up. I came back early from my vacation for an interview which seems like it may pay off. If so, next month's 12 of 12 may be coming from New Jersey... West Jersey as they call it. Not a bad area, but I dread moving, especially to a new state. It means a lot of problems logistically speaking... new license, new pesticide certification, changing residency's all one big pain in the butt. The worse part is finding a new apartment then actually packing and moving. We'll have to see what happens next month. everything is still speculation at this point.
Well here's today's effort...
This is the amarilys that was blooming it's first bloom during last month's 12 of 12. The first stalk had four blooms this is the second stalk... much taller and the foliage is out and growing.
Snowflakes on my driver's side window. On my way out to get some lunch and stock up on a few groceries.

1:15 pm Springfield, PA
Here's where I'm having lunch.

Chili for starters. I could do without the cheese. I like cheese as much or more than most, but you shouldn't have to put cheese on something just to add more flavor. A good chili should be able to stand on it's own. ...I wonder who left their beer up there on the bar???

1:39 pm Springfield, PA
Chop pork sandwich topped with cole slaw, beans as a side. It looks like someone has been drinking that beer.

2:53 pm Aldan, PA
Always like the produce better here. An apple a day keeps the doctor away... This represents an awful lot of out of work Doctors... Yeah right...

2:54 pm Aldan, PA
This guy has been floating around for the last month. Maybe we'll see if he's still around next month, but don't count on it.

3:47 pm Upper Darby, PA
Back home... a dusting of snow on the road and pavement. No bikes out today, but they did have a couple of small ATVs out. You'll have to look close to see them.

7:24 pm Upper Darby, PA
Looking over some of the early entries and commenting on them.

7:58 PM Upper Darby, PA
Dinner is served ...romaine, bitter field greens, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, black olives, artichoke hearts, bacon bits, blue cheese, and french dressing. I like the combination of french dressing and blue cheese.

10:32 pm Upper Darby, PA
Watching Parking Wars on A&E. A new reality show that's probably not as appreciated by anyone outside Philadelphia since that's where it takes place. I find it difficult to choose to be symathetic for the bungling bureaucracy or the morons who don't understand or accept the system.

11:55 pm Upper Darby, PA
Okay, I won a few bucks, but I didn't hit the big one. I guess I'll keep looking for a job tomorrow.

One for the ladies...
I used to have a tradition where I would give all my female friends a rose on my birthday, partly because I know they would appreciate it and partly becase I know it would agitate their boyfriends just a bit... I always like to stir up a little trouble. I haven't done it for a few years, but I thought some of my cyber friends would like it. I shot the rose on the 25th of Jan while in Hawaii.

Okay, one more picture not from today. I took so many pictures while on vacation, I wanted to share at least one more that I really like. I took several shots of the 3 tigers in animal kingdom. I have one on display on my 366 , but I like this one as well. I hope you do too.