Monday, December 13, 2010

December 2010 - 12 of 12

Rainy, but warmer day. Here I am nursing a head cold and due to natures whim, I'm pretty much stuck having to work around the rain. We were doing so good through much of the fall weather wise. No real cold spells up until a little over a week ago. I let the time get past me while we were enjoying the last bit of Indian Summer. We hadn't shut down the irrigation systems or cut our winter cups (putting out 2 hole locations on each green). Well it finally rose well above freezing on Saturday giving us a chance to drain the irrigation out, but that was an all day affair. So that left me to tackle the winter cups on Sunday... with a cold... in the rain. Oh joy. Most of the morning I spent waiting for the rain to let up. Most of the afternoon I spent on soggy greens and playing with mud. Due to the fact that I don't want my camera gear to get wet, I don't have any pictures through the afternoon. All in all it made for a rather boring 12 of 12... much like this narrative. Here we go...

Oops, forgot, again, to give credit to Chad Darnell for starting and maintaining the 12 of 12. The end of the fifth year... I've been doing it for the past 3. ...Thanks Chad!

7:31am - Upper Darby, PA

Running late, but since I'll be the only one in this morning and it's raining, it's a non-issue. Looked out the back window and notice the nieghbors are sleeping in as well... It would be scary if they were up.

7:32am - Upper Darby

See, told you it was raining.

10:00am - Philadelphia (Roxborough), PA

Catching up on some paperwork while I wait for the rain to let up again. Despite the fact I am nursing a cold, I have to go outside and cut our winter cups while the ground is thawed. Scout is catching up on her sleep while do my paperwork.

10:17am - up on my desk

Lucky moves her daughter over in order to grab some desk space.

10:22am - still on my desk

Last cat picture... I promise.

11:18am - my work computer

I gave some money last year when Chad ran for Lance Armstrong's charity Live Strong. Since he was running today I decided to give again. I decided to give a little more this year so his total would come out $3,333.33. Knowing Chad through his blogs I figured it would weird him out a bit. ...Just having fun with you Chad.

4:48pm - Roxborough

All finished with work and getting ready to leave. Bought a new GPS... my first one. Nice size screen, but what I really like is the Blue Tooth cell phone hook up. I can hear it real well and everyone can hear me.

5:28pm - Newtown Square, PA

Arrived at UNOs. Still raining.

6:24pm - UNOs

Decent food, but I come for the beer.

6:30pm - UNOs

The waitress' aren't hard on the eyes either. Okay, I admit it. I'm a dirty old man! :)

6:44 - UNOs

Not distracted by the waitress' for long.

7:46pm - Havertown, PA

Almost home and at the end of my 12... see you next year.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 2010 12 of 12

Well, I finally managed to publish my first 12 of 12 since July. I took all the photos for each month and even managed to edit them, but by the time I found time to do the edits it was a week or two later. Enough with the excuses, here is my day...

Oops, forgot to give credit to Chad Darnell for starting and maintaining the 12 of 12. ....Thanks Chad!

8:12am - Philadelphia (Roxborough), PA

Frost delay... can't play on frost without damaging the turf.

8:13am - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Scout and lucky patrolling for vermin.

9:31am - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Still some color left.

2:52pm - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Been busy most of the day. Finally got some time to take a few more pics. This is the tenth green.

2:53am - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Need a big blower to take care of all the leaves we have.

3:07pm - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Lucky is on the prowl.

3:59pm - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Some more color in the late afternoon sun.

4:05pm - Philadelphia (Roxborough)
Here's old Lucy out on her daily stroll.

5:26pm - Newton Square, PA
Beautiful colors at sunset.

5:42pm - Newton Square, PA
Mmmm... a nice cold IPA.

5:59pm - Newton Square, PA
More yum... NY Strip, roasted veggies, and Farro salad.

7:20pm - Newton Square, PA
Get a quick pic of Janna on my way out.

October 2010 12 of 12

September 2010 12 of 12

August 2010 12 of 12

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 2010 12 of 12

With new projects, record temperatures, and no rain, I've been crazy busy for the past 2 months. I haven't even found time to upload last months pics, but since we had more than just a little rain over the last few days, I can find a little time for myself. YEA! Well, here's my day.

5:39 am - Philadelphia, PA (Roxborogh)

Just arrive at work to be greeted by this sunrise.

7:02 am - Roxborough

Caught this web and spider with help from a flash.

4:13 pm - Roxborough

Been busy all day long. finally found time to run around and snap a few more pics on the course. We have hundreds of these chipmunks running around.

4:16 pm - Roxborough

At the base of the uprooted tree I captured in the last pic, I find a yellow jackets nest. Here's one emerging from the nest.

4:22 pm - Roxborough

Just the traffic light at the cart crossing.

4:39 pm - back at the office.

Lucky gets impatient while I try to take a few pictures, so she rubs against the corner of a book.

5:32 pm - Manyunk section of Philadelphia

Down at the brew pub. No shots of food or beer this month. Here is a old railroad bridge across the Schuylkill river. The Manyunk Brewery has a huge deck along with several bars and two floors of indoor seating. I usually sit inside, but the weather was nice and there are some nice views out here.

5:34 pm - Manyunk

Some nice stuff to shoot out here on the deck.

5:35 pm - Manyunk

Bad hair day for this Tiki.

6:31 pm - Manyunk

Down below the deck were tied up these 4 Dragon boats.

7:00 pm - Upper Darby, PA

Back home. Have to brave the pouring rain while I run across the street from the parking lot to my apartment. Time for a pic or two while I wait for the deluge to at least slow down.

9:36 pm - Upper Darby

Finally got the "monster" put together with all the wiring and lighting. A few tweaks left to do and of course the piece de resistance. Hope to have that done by next month.

That's all for this month. see you in August.

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 2010 - A Different Perspective

Been Busy.... Will have pics by end of Tuesday... I hope.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 2010 12 of 12

Credit goes to Chad Darnell for starting and maintaining the 12 of 12. ....Thanks Chad!

4:15 am - Upper Darby, PA

DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME... OR ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER!!! From my new favorite store, IKEA, my monstrosity in progress. Been working on it for about two weeks now. Carrying each section up 3 flights of stairs, assembling it amongst the piles of empty and still full boxes. It will look great when it's finished. Putting each piece together is easy. Even putting the sections together... no problem. It's figuring out where all the wires need to be run for the DVD, Cable box, flat screen, and all the lighting I want to build... that's the problem. Got it worked out pretty much at this point, but I still need to get a long data cable so I can show files from my PC on my flat screen. I have it hook up as a second monitor. Tune in next month to see the finished work.

7:41 am - Philadelphia, PA

Lucky striking a pose on my desk.

8:25 am - Philadelphia, PA

Going around the course checking on things. This is the 17th Green.

8:30 am - Philadelphia, PA

Caught this young Redtail taking flight from a dying locust tree.

8:38 am - Philadelphia, PA

The heavy snows of winter took their toll.

9;44 am - Philadelphia, PA

A nesting pair of ducks swimming in a small pool of water.

11:19 am Philadelphia, PA
Lucky taking a stroll. She always follows one of us around when we are at the barn, but she's smart enough not to get "under foot".

11:46 am - Manyunk section of Philadelphia

Before noon, but then again I start work at 5:30 in the morning. Besides, I need something to wash down lunch with.

11:48 am Manyunk

Tuscan Vegetable soup... mmm mmm good.

12:43 Manyunk

Heading back up the hill to work.

8:14 pm Upper Darby, PA

Late dinner usual. Nice big salad. Again, mmm, mmm, good.

11:04 pm Upper Darby, PA

Working on the monster all evening. Managed to get most of the electrical wiring done. Stil have one more outlet to put at the far left, but have the wire run for that. just need to splice it into the box. Managed to hang some of the doors as well. They were pretty easy. Don't be fooled by their appearance (white) now. That will be changed for next month. Got some cool stuff planned for those doors. now if I only can find the time.

Till next month long.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 2010 12 of 12

Credit as always goes to Chad Darnell.

Just another average day in Philly, so no major themes running through this month's entry.

7:25 am - Philadelphia, PA (Roxborough)

It's way too early in the season for these guys, but we have had some real strange weather. Near record heat for a number of days then cold again. It's going to be a unpredictable year I feel.

10:13 am - Roxborough

A shot of the putting green. Got to get some new flags. These are really faded.

10:39 am - Roxborough

Scout on the prowl...

10:40 am - Roxborough

...and here's her mom, Lucky.

11:52 am - Frankford-Torsdale section of Philadelphia

Here is Dennis "Ace" Ventura at JFB golf course. He used to work behind the counter at another course we both used to work at. Good seeing old friends.

12:01 pm - Philadelphia, PA

I made a quick run across the city to another course to check out a couple pieces of equipment for which I'm looking to trade another couple pieces that I have. It's a win/win situation since we both have machines that are gathering dust in our own barns that the other fellow can use. This is one machine ...not running at the moment, but I have a really good mechanic. Even if he can't get it running, we have one like it and we can always use it for parts.

12:59 pm - General Grants American Grill, Philadelphia, PA

I also ran into a salesman (Jimmy) I know at JFB, one that I just bought a couple of skids of goods from. That means free lunch where I come from. These are Jimmy's not mine, but they look good. I had the Captain Carol.

1:29 pm - General Grant's

...It also means free beer too.

2:09 pm - General Grant's

Philly's home opener... yea, they won.

3:05 pm - Roxborough

Coach ...caught him off guard.

3:14 pm - Roxborough

Someone walking his dog. Glad to see he picked up after him.

3:16 pm - Roxborough

Light Breeze catching one of our banners.

That's it for this month ...nothing special, just another day caught with my camera.