Okay, it's a mess. I'm in the middle of getting it all packed and moved, but I don't have an apartment until the 15th so I've been packing and taking a few boxes every other day for the last couple weeks. I've been staying at a local motel on the company on the odd days, but I need to finish packing everything by Friday so I've been packing, hauling, and commuting everyday this week.

See the two windows to the right of the door and at the top of the building? That's my apartment. I don't mind walking up and down the steps for the most part, but I made the trip seven and 1/2 times this morning with boxes, framed "artwork", clubs, computer, and my trusty camera bag.

My sugar hasn't tested that high since I went on meds three years ago. No breakfast, all those stairs... it's hard to explain why it's that high. I did take it again right away thinking it was a mistake. It came down 50 points. Maybe the meter was too cold from sitting in the truck all night, but it will let me know when the temperature is out of range?

Traffic was fine on the N.E. extention of the PA Turnpike. Then I ran into this in Easton just before the bridge to New Jersey. ...disabled car in the right lane on the bridge.

I'm taking this from my truck parked in front of our maitenance barn. It's deciding whether to rain or sleet right now, so you know it's pretty cold, right? Here are some nut jobs playing. I'll never understand or love any game so much that I will play under these kind of conditions.

Me at my desk. The office is a work in progress. (You should have seen how much of a mess it was before I started.)

Here's the maintenance barn. It's not as dirty as it is disorganized.

Going home and traffic is moving good.

...also known as the "Blue Route". ...today, it's a parking lot.

I will miss this place... Iron Hill Brew Pub. Good food, great beer. There's a brew pub 5 miles down the road from my new digs. I will have to check it out, but it will have a lot to live up to.

Andy tending bar... great guy, bad photo. I tried to catch him too quick in low light.

Back home... Time to pack a few more boxes before I hit the sack and do it all again tomorrow.