Here's a new face... and what a face it is. I've had her for about a week now. She's 12 weeks old and soon to be a great mouser. She's going to be a barn cat, but I've been bringing her home to ease any separation issues she might have. She want's to be on my lap or near me most of the time, but doesn't really cry much when left alone. She's adjusted well. She doesn't have a name yet. I was going to let my guys name her, but they haven't come up with one yet. I'll probably call her squeaky because of the noise she makes when she wants attention. She's so loud though, I should call her screech.

Time for a nice latte before heading in to work.

Okay, here's the obligatory nature shot I took while making my morning rounds.

Made a trip to Petsmart for flea control. The kitten has just a few, but best take care of them before they become a real problem. Stopped at Wal-Mart first to kill time before Petsmart opened. Didn't buy anything, but I did look at plasma HDTVs. I think I know which one I want. I'm just waiting for the right time and price before I pull the trigger.

Had a late Sunday brunch at the local diner before getting back to work. I haven't used my infared filter for quite a while and it was a perfect day to use it. So here's one image I captured.

We had our first frost earlier this past week. The trees finally are turning color. Next weekend should be peak leaf peeping time, but here are a few shots I took today.

All for me?

...and this is for me. The sushi is from the local supermarket. I know... Sushi from the supermarke??? ...but it's really prety good and cheaper than getting it from the Japanese place across the street. The stoneware is the same pattern used in the show "Home Improvement". ...Funny how I notice these stupid little details.

You didn't think she'd let me eat all that raw tuna by myself did you?

Downloaded Lightroom v2.1 I've been meaning to download and use the trial version of the new Lightroom 2 ever since Sunny told me she loves it. There's a big learning curve going from Photoshop Elements. That's why I didn't have my 12 in last night...
That's all folks,
See you next month...