6:45 am - Hackettstown, NJ
My morning fasting sugar is always too high.

6:4am - Breakfast Yogurt and pills.

6:50am - Checking the weather. It looks like frost this morning ...maybe?

7:30am - Yep... there is a frost so we can't do anything on the course yet so I went on a "photo safari". I surprised a pair of late fawns during my "safari". I got within 15 feet with my utility vehicle, yet they didn't run off. Their mother and the other older bucks and doe are probably off, but nearby, during the rut.

10:00am - The guy's came up with a name for the kitten... Jac. Here she is relaxing on the window sill in my office.

1:13pm - Lunch... half a turkey and cheese sub and chili.

4:05pm - Time to go to the vet. Jac needs her second of two feline leukemia shot and a rabies shot. Jac loves reaching out of the box and playing with whatever she can grab. In this case, my camera strap.

4:34pm - Okay two shots wasn't so bad. Now let's see what's happening on top of the receptionist's desk.

5:01pm - Back home
The sun is going down quick this time of year.

5:05pm - That's where my sugar should be and usually is in the afternoon.

5:14pm - A nice latte before dinner.

6:13pm - Dinner... chicken with red chili sauce and broccoli.
Bonus Pic

8:28am - "I'd like to invite you guys to dinner on the 27th."
I ran into a flock of 9 during my this morning's "photo safari". I thought it would make a great bonus pic with Thanksgiving coming up.