Credit for the "12 of 12" goes to Chad Darnell. Thanks Chad.
Arrived at work. My humble office. Yeah, I spend most of my time on the course.
Can't say for sure what the weather will be today. It's been unsettled at best for over a week now. At the very least it will be hot and humid. So I need to water, at least a bit, just in case the sun comes out.
I've been trying to get a shot at this youngster for about 2 weeks now when I heard him crying for his momma. This guy is in his first year. You can tell by the dark band running across his chest. The older Red Tails are in molt and can't hunt very well right now. This is when these young fellows learn to hunt, but he keeps crying to be fed. Makes me want to go find him a mouse.

Joe and Joe... a couple of my friends from my old course come out to play.
Okay, it's green.
These guy are evrywhere around the course, but they tend to build their homes inside the wood line. I think this is due to the number of nieghbors who walk their dogs through the course. However this guy recently dug this hole on the boundry betwen the wood and rough.
Here's our young bird on the wing crying as he's flying.
I found this a bit interesting. This is whats left of a locust tree that up-rooted about two months ago. At first I thought it was coming back to life, but those aren't locust leaves.
Produce aisle at Giant Foods.. my supermarket of choice. Okay a bit of camera shake, but didn't get too many shots inside the store.
Okay, pop math quiz. Which is the better value... 2 lbs of carrots at $1.89 or 5 lbs at $2.49? I love to eat these things for snacks. So guess which one I bought. This was the last photo I took in the store before some manager asked me not to take any photos. Its against store policy. I think the whole world has gone just a bit paranoid.
This is the before photo of my fridge. Now you know why I went shopping
That's better and that's all for this month folks.