Rainy day in Philly. So I couldn't get any decent shots out on the course. I did have to make a paperwork run to the our office in the Kensington section of the city. I took the opportunity to take several shots on the way.


This is our core harvester. It's a little hard to easily explain what it does, but it basically is a time saver.

Lucky is always into whatever I'm doing. Whenever I'm in the office she is only a few feet away.

Scout on the other hand tends to be a little bit more aloof.

Here's Eric painting new tee markers. With the rain we really can't do anything out on the course.

Now here is Nick doing much the same. The rain may be keeping us from getting any work done on the course, but at least it will melt the rest of the snow left on the course, so we can open all 18 holes.

Broad and Allegheny, Temple University

I hate how people can ruin something beautiful. Graffiti not withstanding, the amoount of trash just blowing through the streets really bothers me. This is why I call it Philthadelphia.

Here are two of the half dozen or so police cars that passed me. There were at least a dozen more speeding past on the cross street just ahead of me. I always joke that the "Hot Doughnuts Now" sign must have just lit up at the Krispy Kreme, but in reality an officer was drag about a block by a stolen SUV involved in a murder out in the suburbs. They got the guy after he crashed the vehicle.

Someone is getting a bit wetter than they figured they would.

Manyunk Brewery - I knew this brew pub existed and even knew where it was and even though it is so close to work, I never stopped in here until a few weeks ago. The beer and food I found exceptional. I was even more surprised that they have a sushi bar. This they call Wasabi Maki. Even if it wasn't the 12th I would have taken a shot of this plate ...beautiful.

Love the look of Neon. 6 hours later and I'm ready to go... I told you the beer is good.