DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME... OR ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER!!! From my new favorite store, IKEA, my monstrosity in progress. Been working on it for about two weeks now. Carrying each section up 3 flights of stairs, assembling it amongst the piles of empty and still full boxes. It will look great when it's finished. Putting each piece together is easy. Even putting the sections together... no problem. It's figuring out where all the wires need to be run for the DVD, Cable box, flat screen, and all the lighting I want to build... that's the problem. Got it worked out pretty much at this point, but I still need to get a long data cable so I can show files from my PC on my flat screen. I have it hook up as a second monitor. Tune in next month to see the finished work.
Lucky striking a pose on my desk.
Going around the course checking on things. This is the 17th Green.
Caught this young Redtail taking flight from a dying locust tree.
The heavy snows of winter took their toll.
A nesting pair of ducks swimming in a small pool of water.
Lucky taking a stroll. She always follows one of us around when we are at the barn, but she's smart enough not to get "under foot".
Before noon, but then again I start work at 5:30 in the morning. Besides, I need something to wash down lunch with.
Tuscan Vegetable soup... mmm mmm good.
Heading back up the hill to work.
Late dinner ...as usual. Nice big salad. Again, mmm, mmm, good.
Working on the monster all evening. Managed to get most of the electrical wiring done. Stil have one more outlet to put at the far left, but have the wire run for that. just need to splice it into the box. Managed to hang some of the doors as well. They were pretty easy. Don't be fooled by their appearance (white) now. That will be changed for next month. Got some cool stuff planned for those doors. now if I only can find the time.
Till next month ...so long.