Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 2008 12 of 12 - New Start

I nearly missed the 12 of 12 yesterday. I had fogotten about it until mid afternoon. When you work 7 days a week you lose track of dates and tend to forget what day of the week it is even. Well I rushed back to work (well maybe rushed isn't the right word since it's only a mile away) to take some pics and this is what I got. This will be the first 12 of 12 for me since I moved to New Jersey apartment job start.

Hackettstown, NJ - 10:40 am
Low clouds on the back nine. I took this with my new 3 megapixel camera phone. I got it because the keypad on my old phone was sticking and I had $100 credit for a phone upgrade. No zoom, but it will take video and has a 2Gb mini SD card (cost extra). It will do for documenting course conditions.

Hackettstown, NJ - 4:37 pm
Everything is a mess yet, but I did manage to install vertical blinds (not bad for the first time). I'm not showing the rest of the place. I'm still living out of boxes and they are everywhere month, I promise.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:03 pm
This was taken behind the 8th green looking back at the 10th green.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:08 pm

This is a view looking up the mountain in back of my course. It's hard calling this a mountain because compared to the Rockys this barely qualifies as a hill, but as hills or mountains go around here it is steep.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:15 pm
Here's my office with a view.

I'm not too sure how this wil turn out, but here is a spliced panorama I did with 5 separate photos. I had to cut the resolution down in order to bring the file size down. I'm hoping if you click on the image you can at least pan across to get a closer look.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:41 pm

There are a lot of springs coming out of the mountain which means alot of wetland areas as well. Here's one along side of number 16.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:45 pm


Hackettstown, NJ - 5:46 pm

Donald ...or is it Daffy?

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:50 pm

Canada Geese. No offense to our neighbors up north... I love hockey, Labatts, and Molson, but I wish I could call INS or Homeland Security and have these aliens deported.

Hackettstown, NJ - 5:55 pm

Here's the Musconetcong River. What I would call a stream, but I guess one man's stream is another man's river. It's a beautiful river and well stocked with trout. They tell me even that little trickle of a creek running behind the eighth and ten green has sizable native brook trout. I'll have to get pictures of them later in the season.

Hackettstown, NJ - 7:06 pm

This is a dead tree (or at least part of one) behind number 8 green. The top half had broken off during a storm a month ago. Ealier in the morning I had seen at least 3 woodpeckers squabbling over the remaining nesting sites. I was hoping to get a shot of them this evening. ... no such luck.

Hackettstown, NJ - 7:34 pm

One last look at my office before the lights go out.
This is what I usually see at the end of my work day... at least the end of a beautiful work day.