What goes around comes around. So here we go again. It's a bit long and somewhat complicated, but a year ago on my birthday (2/14) I got an offer for a position in North Jersey. After being unemployed for 3 1/2 months it was a welcome relief, but as time went on I had second thoughts about how competent my boss and the company I was working for actually were. I started looking around and despite the current state of the economy, I had a few prospects and interviews. However, none of those panned out. Then out of the blue I get a call from Philadelphia. The head of the company I used to work for called me up on behalf of his client. I hadn't mailed him a resume nor did he know I was even looking to make a move. I was a bit flattered. To make a long story short (I know, too late) I'll be working for a non-profit organization as a superintendent for the First Tee of Philadelphia. It will be a great change working to improve the lives of kids rather than filling the pockets of some rich guys behind the scenes of yet another management company. It's not that I really mind working for these management companies; I just don't like being pissed on and told that it's raining.
The plan was that I wasn't going to start until mid-March, that's still the plan, but I wasn't going to give my 2 week notice until the beginning of March. The GM comes in my office Tuesday morning and tells me they're "making a change". My boss didn't even have the Henry's (hope you don't mind the reference Chad) to call me. He sent in some wet behind the ears kid to do his dirty work. I called him and ask for his reasoning and he tells me it's because of poor performance. I can't imagine how he could come up with such a lame excuse 4 days after I was commended at our annual meeting, by his boss for a 22% increase in last year's net profit for my course. (It would have been even greater if the "wet behind the ears" GM hadn't gone over his budget by $45k.) My guess is that somehow he got wind of me landing another job and canned me rather than waiting for me to quit. It really doesn't bother me that much except I wanted to wait until my expense checks cleared before I gave notice. I have about $2,000 coming to me between my trip to New Orleans for the Golf Industry Show and monthly out of pocket expenses I inccured because the company doesn't want to waste the effort to fill out credit applications.
Well anyway, I am glad that I now have more time to prepare myself for the move back to Philly and can relax a bit before taking on the new position. I spent the day getting doing just that.

Hackettstown, NJ - 6:26 am
Okay the clock says 6:25, but my camera says 6:26. I'm going with the camera. It should be saying 5:45, but my flash wasn't working quite right. Apparently the batteries were good enough to flash and everything else looked good, but somehow the sync was off. I guess because of low power in the batteries. I changed them and they worked fine. That was after a shower and taking my glucose reading.

Kitchen - 6:40 am
Making the morning latte. I'm going to have to replace this thing sometime after I move. It does all right, but is a bit inconsistent with the amount it brews and sometimes with the quality of the crème.

6:45 am
The finished product.

Phillipsburg, NJ - 8:06 am
On my way to Philadelphia I get into a little morning rush hour traffic heading into Easton and Allentown ...not too bad though.

Philadelphia, PA - 9:25 am
After being away for almost a year, I had forgotten what I hated so much about this town, but it only took 5 minutes on the "Sure Kill" expressway to remind me.

Philadelphia, PA (Manayunk/Roxborough) - 12:34 pm
Here's a brief look at my future office. If anyone can identify the woman in the photo in the upper right hand corner, I would appreciate if you let me know where I can find my future wife.

Philadelphia, PA - 2:26 pm
This is the practice putting green. Not much to look at now, but remember we are still in winter.

Upper Darby, PA - 3:00 pm
This might look a bit familiar. No, it's not my old apartment, but it's just down the hall from it. They're putting in all new stuff appliances, cabinets, sinks, tile, vanity, carpet ...the works. They start painting tomorrow. Then the carpet will be all that needs installed. I looked at a couple of others a few miles away, but this one is going to suit my needs the best and it will be sort of like moving back home. I already know the local shops and eateries, so I'll be comfortable and set. Okay, not very adventureous, but after all the turmoil I've gone through over the last few years a little stability is not a bad thing.

Upper Darby, PA - 3:03 pm
It may not look like much now, but wait till I move in. I'll have it looking like a dump in no time. They even installed new windows which is good, because my old ones I had down the hall really had some gaps and leaked quite a bit. This apartment is better too because, if you notice, it's on the side where the quiet neighbors reside.

Philadelphia, PA - 4:26 pm
On my way back to Hackettstown. This time I get to drive right past the "Sure Kill". These are the signs for it as I pass them on rt. 476 north ...the "Blue Route" as it's called locally. Traffic is a bit heavy, but moves well most of the way back.

Hackettstown, NJ - 7:28 pm
I have been posting on a local forum here in Hackettstown. They get together every week or two for happy hour at one of the local establishments. Here we are at a place called Mattars. It's probably the best place I've eaten at since moving here last year. Too bad I'm moving ...lol. This is about half of those who showed up last night. You might ask why their faces have been blurred. Well, I have a policy of not posting anyone’s faces on any of my blogs without their permission. It seems only one person was comfortable with having his photo out there and his face doesn't even really show on here... lol

Hackettstown, NJ - 9:29 pm
Here's the last look at me in my forties. Turn the big 50 in 2 days.
Next month, the big move. I'm tempted to just post last March's 12 of 12 in reverse... LOL
Hey Gary, hope the new decade treats you well. Good luck with the job, and nice pics as always too :)
First great pix. Thanks for sharing your day with us!
Great post, Hibe! And a very happy BDAY to you also. Best of luck with the new job:)
Gary - I'm so glad about the new job. Sometimes things just work out they way they're supposed to, you know? Happy belated birthday. Is that your backpack with a baseball bat in it?
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