Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 2009 12 of 12 - Back to Philly

Credit for the "12 of 12" goes to Chad Darnell.

Well I'm back in Philly and somewhat settled in, but still living out of boxes, so there's not much to show at home. I planned to go to my sister's place for Easter dinner, but had to work this morning first. It's been am unusually cold spring. Today was no exception.

7:10 am - Roxborough/Philadelphia

At the course...

10:01 am - Roxborough

Some cherry trees in bloom...

12:14 pm - somewhere outside Lebanon PA

On my way to my sister's house. I forgot to mention I now have a GPS unit attached to my camera. All the GPS data is embedded in the EXIF in case you want to track the shots.
12:43 pm - Cleona, PA

My sister's BF has a new "Man Cave" in the basement. He has two walls covered with just about every player who ever put on a Viking uniform. Despite being the wrong team, I found it rather impressive.

12:43 pm Cleona, PA

...He has a few other ones as well.

1:00 pm - Cleona,PA

Vinnie the cat...

1:02 pm - Cleona, PA

Sammi the Minature Pincher. ...poor dog, forced to where a doggy dress. I think I saw Vinnie laughing.

1:02 pm - Cleona, PA

Here's Joe. Not something you find in everyones foyer, but pretty cool, even for a replica.

1:42 pm - Cleona, PA

My nieces on the left Kerri and Kelly. Eric, Kelly's BF at the end of the table. next to him Brad my nephew, then my sister Susie and her BF Bill, closest to the camera.

1:43 pm - Cleona, PA

Okay last animal... Lou, a dachshund/Jack Russell mix.

5:44 pm - Lebanon, PA

It happens every Easter... people driving while under the influence of ham and horseradish.

6:49 pm - Valley Forge Exit - PA Turnpike

What a backup. What you don't see is that there is no line for the EZ-Pass lines. About 30 seconds after this photo I was able to get through and keep on flying. I hope this will convince even the sometime users to pick up an EZ-Pass.


Chris said...

Doggie kisses :)

The wooden Indian kinda startled me!

Nice 12!

Pete Cullen said...

Vinnie has a great "don't be stealing my seat" look about him :)

Nice 12 Gary.

Lisa B said...

Looks like you had a great day with family. Vinnie looks super cool. Hope the new job and apartment are working out well for you.

TJ said...

Enjoyed the photos, I really liked the one with the cat. Thanks for sharing.

Sunny Archibald said...

Gary - thanks for visiting my 12. Did you post late? I didn't see your link on Chad's site on Monday. Your course looks beautiful. The cherry trees rock! Looks as if you had a nice family day on Easter. See you next month. S

Scooter said...

I sooooooo love you 12 of 12 posts. They always make me smile. But the dog in the skirt and giving kisses made me laugh. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Bush Mackel said...

Wait, is your site JUST for 12 of 12's? That's a WILD idea.