My name is Gary AKA Hibe. I live in the Philadellphia area. I've took up photography as a hobby less than a year ago. I recently joined in the 366 for 2008. Here is the link for that blog. The "12 of 12" challenge sounds intriguing and with me having more time on my hands right now, I figure I'll give it a go. I'll probably have some of the same photos posted on both sites
The original idea was created by Chad Darnell. Below are the rules he posted (copy & paste). I have Chad's "12 of 12" link on the right side of the page. I'll be adding more as I learn who the participants are.
2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.
3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is mine. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.
4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it are 12 pics.
5) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."
6) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)
(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)
ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
12 of 12 - 2008 Year in Review

This is my first picture I took for the 12 of 12 and maybe the best one all year.

It wouldn't be a true 12 without at least one food photo.

One of my favorite haunts that I left behind when I moved.

This panaorama stitched together pretty good. You have to open it to appreciate it.

Dogwood in bloom.

Needed one deer shot.

Frog enjoying the water.

A super macro shot of a dew drop.

Need a beer every now and then.

Couldn't forget Jac, she's part of the family now.

Couldn't find a more appropriate photo for November.

The photo I shot of the soaring hawk would have been a good one, but I thought the shot of this Bluebird perched in a patch of barren brush showed both the winter and the hope of the spring to come.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 2008 12 of 12 - One for the Birds
I was looking forward to today all week and then when it came I forgot all about it. I finally remembered later in the morning. This is the last for 2008 and I managed to do all 12. Not bad for my first year. Well, here's my day or at least a good portion of it.
Hackettstown, NJ - 10:23 am
You have to look closely, but here are a few that made it through Thanksgiving.
Hackettstown, NJ - 10:27 am
A hawk is enjoying riding the thermals after the rain finally breaks and the sun comes out.
Hacketttown, NJ - 10:34 am
It's been raining on and off for the last three days and we received over three inches of rain. This creek often runs dry during the summer... not today.
Hackettstown, NJ - 10:38 am
I'm really surprised to see bluebirds still here this late in the year.
Hackettstown, NJ - 10:49 am
The ducks didn't seem to mind all the rain and the swollen creeks.
Hackettstown, NJ - 10:50 am
The geese are actually flying north.
Hackettstown, NJ - 11:19 am
Took this on a bridge that was underwater just 2 hours before.
Hackettstown, NJ - 11:29 am
Here's an abandoned bridge that's still under water. We need to remove it to clear the stream and to keep the stream from backing up.
Hackettstown, NJ - 2:05 pm
Here's the company's Christmas tree.
Hackettstown, NJ - 2:14 pm
The guys did get some work done today. They made and installed this cleat cleaner. The first one took a week of trial and error and finally me stepping in before it got finished.
Hackettstown, NJ - 3:19 pm
Here's Jac. She's getting bigger, but still just a kitten.
Hackettstown, NJ (Home) - 6:35 pm
That's it for this year. Not sure what next year has in store, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll be spending 12 days down in Orlando over Christmas, so I'll probably have a bonus photo from there in the next installment. Ta ta till then.

You have to look closely, but here are a few that made it through Thanksgiving.

A hawk is enjoying riding the thermals after the rain finally breaks and the sun comes out.

It's been raining on and off for the last three days and we received over three inches of rain. This creek often runs dry during the summer... not today.

I'm really surprised to see bluebirds still here this late in the year.

The ducks didn't seem to mind all the rain and the swollen creeks.

The geese are actually flying north.

Took this on a bridge that was underwater just 2 hours before.

Here's an abandoned bridge that's still under water. We need to remove it to clear the stream and to keep the stream from backing up.

Here's the company's Christmas tree.

The guys did get some work done today. They made and installed this cleat cleaner. The first one took a week of trial and error and finally me stepping in before it got finished.

Here's Jac. She's getting bigger, but still just a kitten.

That's it for this year. Not sure what next year has in store, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll be spending 12 days down in Orlando over Christmas, so I'll probably have a bonus photo from there in the next installment. Ta ta till then.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
November 2008 12 of 12

My morning fasting sugar is always too high.

The sun is going down quick this time of year.

Bonus Pic

I ran into a flock of 9 during my this morning's "photo safari". I thought it would make a great bonus pic with Thanksgiving coming up.
Monday, October 13, 2008
October 2008 12 of 12
Wow, it's the 12th already! This month went by fast. I had the day off today, so that means I only had to go in and work a couple of hours. Here's my 12...
4:28 am Hackettstown, NJ
Here's a new face... and what a face it is. I've had her for about a week now. She's 12 weeks old and soon to be a great mouser. She's going to be a barn cat, but I've been bringing her home to ease any separation issues she might have. She want's to be on my lap or near me most of the time, but doesn't really cry much when left alone. She's adjusted well. She doesn't have a name yet. I was going to let my guys name her, but they haven't come up with one yet. I'll probably call her squeaky because of the noise she makes when she wants attention. She's so loud though, I should call her screech.
6:51 am
Time for a nice latte before heading in to work.
7:48 am Hackettstown, NJ
Okay, here's the obligatory nature shot I took while making my morning rounds.
10:21 am Mount Olive, NJ
Made a trip to Petsmart for flea control. The kitten has just a few, but best take care of them before they become a real problem. Stopped at Wal-Mart first to kill time before Petsmart opened. Didn't buy anything, but I did look at plasma HDTVs. I think I know which one I want. I'm just waiting for the right time and price before I pull the trigger.
12:52 pm ...back at work
Had a late Sunday brunch at the local diner before getting back to work. I haven't used my infared filter for quite a while and it was a perfect day to use it. So here's one image I captured.
1:04 pm
We had our first frost earlier this past week. The trees finally are turning color. Next weekend should be peak leaf peeping time, but here are a few shots I took today.

6:06 pm ...back home.
All for me?
6:11 pm
...and this is for me. The sushi is from the local supermarket. I know... Sushi from the supermarke??? ...but it's really prety good and cheaper than getting it from the Japanese place across the street. The stoneware is the same pattern used in the show "Home Improvement". ...Funny how I notice these stupid little details.
6:16 pm
You didn't think she'd let me eat all that raw tuna by myself did you?
7:54 pm Adobe Website
Downloaded Lightroom v2.1 I've been meaning to download and use the trial version of the new Lightroom 2 ever since Sunny told me she loves it. There's a big learning curve going from Photoshop Elements. That's why I didn't have my 12 in last night...
That's all folks,
See you next month...

Here's a new face... and what a face it is. I've had her for about a week now. She's 12 weeks old and soon to be a great mouser. She's going to be a barn cat, but I've been bringing her home to ease any separation issues she might have. She want's to be on my lap or near me most of the time, but doesn't really cry much when left alone. She's adjusted well. She doesn't have a name yet. I was going to let my guys name her, but they haven't come up with one yet. I'll probably call her squeaky because of the noise she makes when she wants attention. She's so loud though, I should call her screech.

Time for a nice latte before heading in to work.

Okay, here's the obligatory nature shot I took while making my morning rounds.

Made a trip to Petsmart for flea control. The kitten has just a few, but best take care of them before they become a real problem. Stopped at Wal-Mart first to kill time before Petsmart opened. Didn't buy anything, but I did look at plasma HDTVs. I think I know which one I want. I'm just waiting for the right time and price before I pull the trigger.

Had a late Sunday brunch at the local diner before getting back to work. I haven't used my infared filter for quite a while and it was a perfect day to use it. So here's one image I captured.

We had our first frost earlier this past week. The trees finally are turning color. Next weekend should be peak leaf peeping time, but here are a few shots I took today.

All for me?

...and this is for me. The sushi is from the local supermarket. I know... Sushi from the supermarke??? ...but it's really prety good and cheaper than getting it from the Japanese place across the street. The stoneware is the same pattern used in the show "Home Improvement". ...Funny how I notice these stupid little details.

You didn't think she'd let me eat all that raw tuna by myself did you?

Downloaded Lightroom v2.1 I've been meaning to download and use the trial version of the new Lightroom 2 ever since Sunny told me she loves it. There's a big learning curve going from Photoshop Elements. That's why I didn't have my 12 in last night...
That's all folks,
See you next month...
Friday, September 12, 2008
September 2008 12 of 12
Well, I forgot it was the 12th... at least until 1:00. On top of that, it was a boring rainy day and I'm not taking my camera out in the rain. So I wasn't very inspired.
Hackettstown, NJ - 1:19 pm
Started raining at noon. Makes for a dreary day.
Computer screen in the office - 1:32 pm
There it is on radar.
Hackettstown, NJ - 3:15 pm
Back home early today... I do like the rain. It gets me home sooner.
Still at home - 6:13 pm
Took a bit of a nap before making dinner. Started off with a salad.
Romaine lettuce
Broccoli Crowns
Main Course... Boneless chicken breast
Fry it in some walnut oil
Serve it up with some black beans. Yum yum delicious.
Wash it down with some nice hoppy amber ale and call it a day.

Started raining at noon. Makes for a dreary day.

There it is on radar.

Back home early today... I do like the rain. It gets me home sooner.

Took a bit of a nap before making dinner. Started off with a salad.
Romaine lettuce

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