You have to look closely, but here are a few that made it through Thanksgiving.

A hawk is enjoying riding the thermals after the rain finally breaks and the sun comes out.

It's been raining on and off for the last three days and we received over three inches of rain. This creek often runs dry during the summer... not today.

I'm really surprised to see bluebirds still here this late in the year.

The ducks didn't seem to mind all the rain and the swollen creeks.

The geese are actually flying north.

Took this on a bridge that was underwater just 2 hours before.

Here's an abandoned bridge that's still under water. We need to remove it to clear the stream and to keep the stream from backing up.

Here's the company's Christmas tree.

The guys did get some work done today. They made and installed this cleat cleaner. The first one took a week of trial and error and finally me stepping in before it got finished.

Here's Jac. She's getting bigger, but still just a kitten.

That's it for this year. Not sure what next year has in store, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll be spending 12 days down in Orlando over Christmas, so I'll probably have a bonus photo from there in the next installment. Ta ta till then.
Love all the bird shots. I'm guessing you haven't been too terribly busy at work with all the rain. Enjoy your trip to Florida. I'm heading out myself. Merry Christmas.
Gary those pictures are fantastic, thankyou for sharing them. I love the craziness of the chair sat in the middle of the third one.
Jac's a real cutie! And hey, the comments and photos all lined up this month! (I never remembered to say, but before, all the comments would be clustered together, so you had to keep scrolling up and down to match comment and photo). Well a few were at the side, but still next to their comments.
Hope the rain hasn't made too much trouble for you, especially as you work so much outdoors - hopefully you can get some sunny and warm weather to make it a bit cheerier!
Helen (Dogeared)
Sorry I'm so late - between a weekend away, a cold, wrapping up work before the holidays, then Christmas and after... it's taken a while! Happy holidays and new year :D
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