First critter... me.

Okay, no animals here. It just looked cool. I love fog layers.

A little light breakfast browsing.

A groundhog otherwise known a a woodchuck... and no, they can't chuck wood.

A lone ant crawling on an oak.

A Red Wing Blackbird. They love sitting on cattails along ponds and marshes. This one found some poison ivy to perch on.

One cool frog.

Red Tail hawk riding the thermals.

We have these bluebird boxes set throughout the course. They're mainly in or near our "naturalized" areas.

I guess this dragonfly got away from the frog.

I shot this right outside the kitchen door. They're waiting for someone to come out and feed them. The kitchen and wait staff bring out stale bread and feed them and the fish as well. These are actually this years brood. Mama is the one standing on the rock.

Talk about caught in the headlights. I found a few deer hanging out in one of our naturalized areas while spraying my greens. This one just stayed laying down while I snapped off about half a dozen shots using my Speedlight. I saw four others later together including a fawn, but they were too far away and my shots didn't come out.
Bonus Picture

Quite the wildlife-filled day for you it seems! (just to say - it's a little hard with the comments and photos separate. You have to read a few comments, scroll down to the photos, then scroll back up to read the next two comments, then scroll back down... I don't know if they're like that because Blogger's skewing your post, or whether it's deliberate, but I meant to say something each 12 of 12 and never did [doh]).
Sorry you had such a long day - I hope it means either overtime pay, or a shorter day another day!
Great shots.......I didn't think you had posted.
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